Welcome to Slow Food, the podcast! Where we take you on a journey through the beauty of good, clean, and fair food systems. From the coffee in your cup to the cacao in your chocolate, we uncover the stories of the people who make our food possible. Valentina Gritti, a lover of slow food, is your host on this journey. Join us as we walk side-by-side with changemakers around the world who are working towards a more sustainable food system. We’ll also delve into the rich cultural knowledge of indigenous communities, opening our minds to new ways of thinking about food. At Slow Food, we believe that everyone has a story to tell and a lesson to teach. So come along for the ride and discover the power of food to connect us all.

Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Slow Food Goes Brussels: how can we recognise Greenwashing and Corporate Capture?
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
We are going to focus our conversation on Greenwashing: what is it exactly? Who is behind it? How does it work and what can we do to face it?
I am delighted to carry out today's discussion with two experts on the topic of Greenwashing. Hazel Healy is DeSmog's UK Editor. She is also a freelance writer and broadcaster specializing in stories about food justice, climate and migration. Hazel recently published together with Rachel Sherrington the article “A Guide to Six Greenwashing Terms Big Ag Is Bringing to COP28” on DeSmog, independent, investigative website.
The second guest of today is Kavya Chowdhry. Kavya is from India and works as a researcher with ETC, the Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration. ETC Group is a small, international, research and action collective committed to social and environmental justice, human rights and the defense of just and ecological agri-food systems and the web of life. Kavya is co-author of the report "Food Barons 2022. Crisis Profiteering, Digitalization and Shifting Power" together with Hope Shand and Kathy Jo Wetter.
Host: Valentina Gritti
Guests: Hazel Healy from De Smog and Kavya Chowdhry, ETC.
Post-production: Jonathan Remy
Music: Leonardo Prieto Dorantes
Follow @SlowFoodEurope on twitter!
And join our Telegram group: https://t.me/+xSzaZeIyCUM1NjJk
Financed by the European Union. The contents of this podcast are the sole responsibility of the author and CINEA is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
A project by Slow Food Youth Network (SFYN)

Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Decolonize your food! A conversation with Francisco Prieto
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
What are indigenous peoples' traditional foods? And why are they so important? What does it mean that they are still being colonized and is it possible to decolonize these foods? what can we do in our daily lives to support indigenous peoples and if we belong to an indigenous people how can we support our community? Today I will have a conversation with Luis Francisco Prieto, Indigenous Peoples and Afrodescendant Focal Point at Slow Food International, with a special focus on the topic of food decolonisation.
Host and Production: Valentina Gritti
Guest: Luis Francisco Prieto
Audio Technical Support & Music: Leonardo Prieto Dorantes
Useful links:
- Read more about the "Decolonize your food" campaign here: https://www.slowfood.com/our-network/indigenous/decolonize-your-food/
- Find out more about the Slow Food Indigenous Peoples Network here: https://www.slowfood.com/our-network/indigenous/about-us/
- Listen to voices of indigenous youth in our past podcast episodes, in the series "Voices from the roots": https://open.spotify.com/episode/2SH0X4tkVOlFqv1JUY8LCz
- Join SF the Podcast Telegram group: https://t.me/+xSzaZeIyCUM1NjJk
A project by Slow Food Youth Network (SFYN)

Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Become a Responsible Coffee Lover with the Slow Food Coffee Coalition
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
What is a fair coffee? How do we know if our coffee tastes good? What is the best way to preserve coffee and to prepare it? But first of all, which tips can we follow to buy our coffee?
Today I will have a conversation with Silvia Rota, one of the coordinators of the Slow Food Coffee Coalition and this episode is dedicated to all of us who not only want to make more conscious choices, but also want to participate in building a sustainable and ethical coffee industry by taking small steps towards a better coffee world.
Host & production: Valentina Gritti
Guests: Silvia Rota (SF Coffee Coalition)
Elvia Villani Catalán (SF México, coffee farmer)
Community contribution: Amanuel Samuel, Ethiopia
Music: Leonardo Prieto Dorantes
Be part of the SF Coffee Coalition and get the guide" Brewing a Better World.The Responsible Coffee-Lover’s Toolkit": https://coffeecoalition.slowfood.com/
A project by the Slow Food Youth Network

Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Slow Food Goes Brussels: GMOs and Pesticides, a Chemical Romance
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
So many of the foods we eat everyday are sprayed again and again with pesticides before landing on our table. And we all learned over the years, one scandal after another, that this is no good news, either for our health or the environment. But what most people don’t know is the tight connection between pesticides and GMOs. As the European Union is about to take some critical decisions on both pesticides and GMOs, we unveil the troubling truth about that very toxic couple, which are tied by many links, with our three guests:
- Mute Schimpf, policy officer at Friends of the Earth Europe
- Bosse Dalhgren, Slow Food farmer in Scotland
- Karina Ocampo, Slow Food activist in Argentina
News samples used in the episode were taken from:
“Bayer loses third appeals case over glyphosate weedkiller”, Reuters, August 10, 2021
“What you're eating: Consumer Reports investigates GMOs in food”, CBS News, October 7, 2014
“Monsanto ordered to pay $289M to man who claimed weedkiller contributed to cancer”, CBS News, 2018
“In Chile, amateur beekeeper rescues hives from coastal tourist city”, Reuters, December 7, 2022
“Kenya's GMO maize push sowing trouble for food sector, farmers warn”, Reuters, December 17, 2022
Host: Alice Poiron
Co-host: Valentina Gritti
Post-production: Jonathan Remy
Music: Leonardo Prieto Dorantes
Follow @SlowFoodEurope on twitter!
And join our Telegram group: https://t.me/+xSzaZeIyCUM1NjJk
Financed by the European Union. The contents of this podcast are the sole responsibility of the author and CINEA is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
A project by Slow Food Youth Network

Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Music and food are both important cultural expressions of different communities, they are part of rituals, they are elements that support the creation of bonds among people and they are more direct ways of communication compared to language for instance. But music and sounds can also trigger a different sensory outcome when we taste food. So what are the connections between food and music from a cultural perspective? And how do soundscape and music influence our taste and flavour perception?
Host and production: Valentina Gritti
Simone Campa: director of the Orchestra Terra Madre, sound designer and sound therapist
Leonardo Prieto Dorantes: sociologist, composer and multi-instrumentalist
Deiniol Pritchard: associate creative director at The Fat Duck
Music credits: thanks Simone Campa and the Orchestra Terra Madre for the piece AfroTammurriata and Tarantella Afro, thanks to Leonardo Prieto for our jingle and his group Son de Aquí for the piece “Simona en el Mercado”, a special thanks also to the Colombian musical group Las Mucharejas for the piece “La Yuca Para el Pastel” (author Laura Marcela Asprilla, Chors: Angie Rengifo, Natali Sánchez, Tambor alegre : Alexis Aristizábal, Llamador: Nicolás Acevedo).
Find the scientific paper on food and wine at this link: https://magentaaudio.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Adrian-North-Br-J-Psychology-103-3-293-301-2012-The-effect-of-background-music-on-the-taste-of-wine.pdf
A project by Slow Food Youth Network

Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
How can we travel Slow? With Margaux Brochier and Maxime Bonnabry
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Get ready to hit the road on an unforgettable journey with Margaux Brochier and Maxime Bonnabry – two adventurous French spirits who traded in their chef and project manager titles at Refettorio Paris to embark on the ultimate Slow travelling adventure! Their mission? With Terre Terres they aim to learn, to explore, and to share the captivating stories of small scale farmers around Europe. And maybe to make a documentary about that as well!
But that's not all: stick around till the end, and you'll be treated to some fantastic practical tips on how YOU can infuse a touch of Slowness into your own travels and holidays!
Guests: Margaux Brochier and Maxime Bonnabry @terre_terres
Host & production: Valentina Gritti
Music: Leonardo Prieto
Thanks to the podcast community for all your inputs!
Link to our Telegram group: https://t.me/+xSzaZeIyCUM1NjJk
Slow Food, the podcast is a project by Slow Food Youth Network (SFYN)

Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Slow Food Goes Brussels: The Urban Food Revolution
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Welcome to a new episode of Slow Food Goes Brussels, where we dissect the political debates linked to the greatest challenges food and agriculture are facing.
Cities are at the forefront of one of the most pressing problems of our times — food. According to the United Nations (UN), 54% of the world’s population were living in urban areas in 2016 — and that figure is predicted to rise to 66% by 2050. And wherever people live, they must eat to survive and thrive, ideally several times a day. Across Europe, a growing number of cities have long since understood their key role in the future of food and have embarked on a journey towards what we call “sustainable urban food policies”.
For this episode, we are taking you on a journey to three of these pioneering cities: Bordeaux (France), Birmingham (England) and Groningen (The Netherlands). You will discover how they’re acting, in collaboration with local people and food stakeholders to limit food systems’ impact on climate and the environment, improve people’s wellbeing, shorten, and strengthen production chains, and guarantee access to good food for all.
- Yael Pantzer, policy officer specialized in urban food policies at Slow Food
- Kate Smith, volunteer at Slow Food Birmingham
- Apolline Beyris-Duvigneau, food officer for the municipality of Bordeaux
- Hilde Lavell and Hiltje van der Wal, food officers for the municipality of Groningen
Host: Alice Poiron
Co-host: Valentina Gritti
Post-production: Jonathan Remy
Music: Leonardo Prieto Dorantes
Follow @SlowFoodEurope on twitter!
Financed by the European Union. The contents of this podcast are the sole responsibility of the author and CINEA is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
A project by Slow Food Youth Network

Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Welcome to Slow Food, the podcast!
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Ciao! Welcome to “Slow Food, the podcast” where we explore the beauty of good, clean, and fair food systems. From the coffee in your cup to the cacao in your chocolate, we uncover the stories of the people who make our food possible. How do different products end up in your shopping basket and who even decides what’s available for you, and at what cost? I’m Valentina Gritti, a Slow Food Youth Network activist, and I’ll be your guide on this journey.
We walk side-by-side with farmers, cooks and food workers from around the world who are healing the planet through food. We'll learn from the cultural knowledge of indigenous communities, opening our minds to new ways of thinking about food and the political implications of every meal we eat. But most of all, we’ll give you the tools to slow down your life, allowing you to take charge and make choices that are in tune with your health, and the planet.
At Slow Food, we believe that everyone has a story to tell, something to teach. So come with us and discover the power of food, how we can use it to make connections, build communities and restore the natural world. If you have any questions about the food on your plate, reach out to us on socials or write to us at podcast@slowfood.it and we’ll get back to you. Let’s get on with the show! And if you like what you hear then subscribe and share with your friends!

Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
In an era where urbanisation is sweeping across the globe, bringing with it a wave of challenges, few issues are as pressing and demanding as feeding our ever-expanding urban centres. There is an urgent need for change in our urban food systems, delving into sustainable agriculture, urban farming and community-supported initiatives that are revolutionising how we nourish our cities. Pasang Sherpa and Cecilia Barocio are young pioneers, actively involved in promoting indigenous foods cultures and closing the gap between rural producers and urban consumers in Nepal and Mexico. So let’s learn from them: how can we achieve food system regeneration in our cities?
This episode was live recorded at the event Terra Madre 2022 by Slow Food International.
Host and production: Valentina Gritti
Guests: Pasang Sherpa (General Manager for Hotel Bodhiz, in Kathmandu, Nepal) and Cecilia Barocio Hernandez (Co-founder of Consumo Consciente, in Tlaxcala, México).
Music: Leonardo Prieto
A project by Slow Food Youth Network (SFYN)

Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Slow Food Goes Brussels: breaking the chain of food poverty
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Enough food is produced worldwide to feed 10 billion people, yet hunger is on the rise. While vulnerable populations from the Global North cannot afford healthy and nourishing food, a growing number of people from the Global South must battle every day to simply get access to food. The current food system leaves many behind, putting profit before people. But such injustice is not irreversible: political leaders, from any level, must commit to reshaping our food system and giving it back its true purpose: nourishing everyone.
Why is there food poverty and with what consequences? Who suffers from food poverty? What should the political answer be to help fight against it? You’ll learn all about in this episode, where we take you on a journey across the world, from the Global South to the Global North, with our guests:
- Nicole Pita, project manager at the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food)
- Alba Gil, policy officer at the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA)
- Samanta Vergati, environmental economist, member of the Slow Food community in Paris, and founder of the NGO “Altrimenti”
Host: Alice Poiron
Post-production: Jonathan Remy
Music: Leonardo Prieto Dorantes
Follow @SlowFoodEurope on twitter!
Financed by the European Union. The contents of this podcast are the sole responsibility of the author and CINEA is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
A project by Slow Food Youth Network