Welcome to Slow Food, the podcast! Where we take you on a journey through the beauty of good, clean, and fair food systems. From the coffee in your cup to the cacao in your chocolate, we uncover the stories of the people who make our food possible. Valentina Gritti, a lover of slow food, is your host on this journey. Join us as we walk side-by-side with changemakers around the world who are working towards a more sustainable food system. We’ll also delve into the rich cultural knowledge of indigenous communities, opening our minds to new ways of thinking about food. At Slow Food, we believe that everyone has a story to tell and a lesson to teach. So come along for the ride and discover the power of food to connect us all.

Wednesday May 15, 2024
Slow Food Goes Brussels: How are EU elections affecting green ambitions in food policy?
Wednesday May 15, 2024
Wednesday May 15, 2024
What is going on with the Common Agricultural Policy in Europe? What is the simplification package and what were the hidden reasons behind it? Can we afford to put environmental protection measures aside in this moment of history?
This episode is part of the series Slow Food Goes Brussels, where we dissect the political debates linked to the greatest challenges food and agriculture are facing. In the previous episode of this series we explained why farmers were protesting in the beginning of the year. In today’s episode we look into what is the response of the EU Institutions to the latest farmers protests. This response is namely what the Commission is calling a "simplification" of the CAP, but what is in fact a reform: they are deciding to rollback on green conditions.
Host & Production: Valentina Gritti
Guests: Giulia Gouet (policy officer at Slow Food International), Gerardo Fortuna (senior reporter at Euronews) and Paul Behrens (Associate Professor of Environmental Change).
Endorsing the Slow Food Manifesto: https://feedthechange.slowfood.com/
Webinar: "Feed the Change: Why the EU Elections Matter for the Future of Food" | May 28th @1pm CET | Register to the webinar --> https://www.slowfood.com/events/feed-the-change-the-webinar/
A project by Slow Food Youth Network (SFYN)
Financed by the European Union. The contents of this podcast are the sole responsibility of the author and CINEA is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Wednesday Apr 10, 2024
Wednesday Apr 10, 2024
How can we transition our local food system? Can grassroots projects influence policy on a higher level? What are key elements for a successful community initiative? In today's episode I am going to tell you some stories of change. Stories of impactful grassroots initiatives that are boosting food system transition in different aspects.
A couple of weeks ago I was in Italy, in Cella Monte, for the project Shared Green Deal. A European project which aims to study from a social perspective the implementation of the Green Deal on a local level in different European countries. I have interviewed the project coordinators of the different grassroots initiatives, with the goal of learning more about their projects but also to see how European policies are impacting their local realities and how their projects can influence policy.
Host and production: Valentina Gritti
Guests: Costanza Guazzo and Luca Carisio (Asfodelo association, Italy), Janneke Bruil and Eduardo Cáceres (Stroomgebied Zuid-Veluwe, The Netherlands), Pelle Bengtsberg (Reformaten, Sweden), Zuzana Kupcová (Klíma ta potrebuje, Slovakia).
More about Shared Green Deal: https://sharedgreendeal.eu/
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101036640. The sole responsibility for this content lies with the SHARED GREEN DEAL project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.

Wednesday Mar 13, 2024
Slow Food Goes Brussels: Farmers protests: what are they really about?
Wednesday Mar 13, 2024
Wednesday Mar 13, 2024
In the past months, farmers have been protesting all over Europe. They're marching and driving tractors through city streets. But sadly, what's happening follows a pattern we see often. A serious protest, born out of real struggles, is being made to seem less important. It's being turned into a fight between farmers and environmentalists, or farmers and the European Union. And some people are using it for their own gain, like trying to win votes or protect their own interests.
Today, we'll talk about why farmers are protesting and with a focus on common grounds and on solving the root problems in our food system.
Host & production: Valentina Gritti
Guests: Natasha Foote (Freelance agri-food journalist), Jereon Candel (Professor of food and agricultural policy at Wageningen University), Sebastian Mira (Farmer from Slow Food Pays Catalan).
Farmers' protest audio's source: the Telegraph video
A project by Slow Food Youth Network (SFYN)
Financed by the European Union. The contents of this podcast are the sole responsibility of the author and CINEA is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
From Plate to Policy: how can YOU take action towards a sustainable food future?
Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
How can cooks be of influence? What are practical tips for students to get their friends to take action? How can we generate change from a rural community? And finally, how can YOU get involved with your local food policy?
In today's episode we will learn how take action towards a sustainable food future in many ways. We’ll listen to different perspectives and get super practical tips. This podcast is part of a small series dedicated to the Planting the Future challenge, in which we take a deep dive into our food system and its challenges, get inspired to cook up plant-rich meals, learn about agroecology as a solution and get into action!
Host & Production: Valentina Gritti
Guests: Joris Bijdendijk (Chef at RIJKS® and Wils, Amsterdam), Deeya Bhasin (law student and the Chinese University of Hong Kong), Luisa Véléz (Project manager and Slow Food activist in Ecuador) and Yael Pantzer (SF International).
Post-production & music: Leonardo Prieto Dorantes
Join our Telegram group: https://t.me/+xSzaZeIyCUM1NjJk
--> Take action and join Slow Food Youth Network !

Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
In today's episode we will learn what agroecology is, how it applies to agriculture, to fishing and regenerative animal farming and we will also get some practical tips on how we can find agroecological products and be part of the change...
This podcast is part of a small series dedicated to the Planting the Future challenge (https://plantingthefuture.slowfood.com/)
Host and production: Valentina Gritti
Guests: Moreen Ankunda (Slow Food Uganda), Matheus Sborgia (Regenerative Cattle Farmer at Terras Caipora), Didier Gascuel (Researcher and Professor of Marine Ecology at Institut Agro), Richard McCarthy (President of the World Farmers Markets Coalition).
Post-production and music: Leonardo Prieto
Dive deeper into the topic of animal farming with this episode: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1V3RasNm2aky7QCtw8HXYk
Join our Telegram group: https://t.me/+xSzaZeIyCUM1NjJk
A project by Slow Food Youth Network

Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Exploring Beans: From Culinary Traditions to Everyday Cooking Tips
Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
What’s the difference between beans and pulses? Is it bad to eat canned beans? How is Polish independence linked to the beans from the town of Lamim in Brazil?
This episode is part of a small series dedicated to the Planting the Future Challenge, in which we take a deep dive into our food system and its challenges, get inspired to cook up plant-rich meals, learn about agroecology as a solution and get into action! For more information on the challenge and to sign up, visit www.plantingthefuture.slowfood.com
Guests: Nicolas Carton (Researcher & Global Bean Project Coordinator), Lucas Monteiro Mourão (Slow Food Brazil Activist) and Amaliah (Educator and Slow Food Activist in Indonesia).
Host & Production: Valentina Gritti
Post-Production & Music: Leonardo Prieto Dorantes
Useful links:
- The Global Bean Project: www.globalbean.eu
- Information sheet about cooking dry pulses: https://www.globalbean.eu/publications/cooking-pulses-dry-seeds/
- Read more about the Polish Eagle bean: https://www.slowfood.com/blog-and-news/polish-eagle-beans-a-pulse-beating-like-a-warm-heart-across-continents/
- Tempeh in the Ark of Taste: https://www.fondazioneslowfood.com/en/ark-of-taste-slow-food/benguk-tempeh-besengek-2/
Finally, join our Telegram group for feedback, questions and advice: https://t.me/+xSzaZeIyCUM1NjJk

Wednesday Jan 31, 2024
Improving your eating habits: a guide on how to make it a long-lasting change
Wednesday Jan 31, 2024
Wednesday Jan 31, 2024
Is there such a thing as an ideal diet? Is there a place for animal proteins in a climate friendly diet? How can we effectively change the way we eat and make sure this becomes a new habit that persists in time?
This podcast is part of a small series dedicated to the Planting the Future Challenge, in which we take a deep dive into our food system and its challenges, get inspired to cook up plant-rich meals, learn about agroecology as a solution and get into action! For more information on the challenge and to sign up, visit www.plantingthefuture.slowfood.com
Guests: Francesco Scaglia (Culinary lead at EAT foundation), Dana Smith (campaign director at Meatless Monday), Becky Ramsing (Senior Program Officer at John Hopkins Center for a Livable Future), Liesbeth Velema (Behaviour change expert at Voedingscentrum).
Host and production: Valentina Gritti
Post-production & music: Leonardo Prieto
For feedback and questions join the podcast Telegram group: https://t.me/slowfoodthepodcast
A project by the Slow Food Youth Network (SFYN)

Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Slow Food Goes Brussels: 2023 policy highlights and upcoming EU parliament elections
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Last podcast of the year: a great way to catch up with European advocacy highlights of 2023 and what to expect in 2024!
Between 6–9 June 2024, millions of Europeans will participate in shaping the future of European democracy on the occasion of the European elections. It is a unique moment when people of 28 European countries collectively decide on the future of the European Union. Why does it matter from the food movement point of view?
You can follow @SlowFoodEurope on twitter to be updated on European Advocacy... and join our Telegram group to be part of the Podcast community! https://t.me/+xSzaZeIyCUM1NjJk
Financed by the European Union. The contents of this podcast are the sole responsibility of the author and CINEA is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Thursday Nov 30, 2023
What can we expect from COP28? A conversation with Raj Patel and Edward Mukiibi
Thursday Nov 30, 2023
Thursday Nov 30, 2023
COP 28 has just begun. The attention of all those who care about the climate crisis and work to influence governments and institutions to adopt effective mitigation and adaptation measures have their eyes on Dubai. It is the first COP held since the full release of the latest update in March 2023 of the 6th Assessment Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (the IPCC). This report summarises and synthesises the most up-to-date climate science and provides the best scientific basis to set climate policy. Today I am delighted to host two very special guests to discuss some updates from COP 28 with a special eye on how food systems are driving the climate crises and what solutions are on the table.
Host: Valentina Gritti
Guests: Raj Patel is a British Indian academic, journalist, activist and writer. Slow Food President Edward Mukiibi is also with us to dialogue with him.
Post-production: Jonathan Remy
Music: Leonardo Prieto Dorantes
Link to IPES report "From Plate to Planet": https://www.ipes-food.org/pages/platetoplanet
Follow @SlowFoodEurope on twitter!
And join our Telegram group: https://t.me/+xSzaZeIyCUM1NjJk
Financed by the European Union. The contents of this podcast are the sole responsibility of the author and CINEA is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Why shall we all be climate activists right now?
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Why is it important to be activists? Why shall we raise our voices before COP28? How can we live in a more climate friendly way? Does it make sense to talk about the climate crises now, while so many horrors are happening around the world?
In this episode I will have a conversation with Elena Lucchiari, the Flash COP campaign manager at Slow Food Youth Network. Elena is a young Italian activist with a background in international development studies. The second guest of today is Shane Holland, Executive Chairman of Slow Food in the UK. Shane is a food writer, a university lecturer, he has a broad knowledge on the COP and he was also actively involved in COP26 in Glasgow. Please stick until the end because in the last part of the podcast we collected a few inputs from our podcast community with practical tips on how to live in a more climate friendly way…
Host & production: Valentina Gritti
Guests: Elena Lucchiari, Slow Food Youth Network;
Shane Holland, Slow Food in the UK
With contributions from: Giorgio Brizio, Maria Geuze and Samanta Fabbris
Music: Leonardo Prieto Dorantes
Learn more about the Flash COP campaign with the campaign toolkits: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_1wcg0lXHr1SD7mi9Ajx_UYlEnEX3eQR?usp=drive_link
Email Elena for more information at Elena@sfyn.org
A project by the Slow Food Youth Network (SFYN)